Enter the email address you provided when you registered and we will send an e-mail
containing your password.
If you haven't received the email with your password, try checking your spam or
junk email
There are a few things you can try to troubleshoot the issue.
- Add the "*.steelspider.com" or www.steelspider.com
to your list of trusted sites in your email client. This will tell your email client
that it's okay to access the site and should prevent it from being blocked or treated
as spam in the future.
- Check to make sure that your browser is set to accept cookies and enable JavaScript.
Check your email client's security settings to make sure the site is not being blocked.
You may need to adjust your settings to allow access to the site. If the privacy
settings on your browser are set too high, this can prevent the website from being
able to set a session cookie, which is necessary for you to stay logged in. Set
the security level for the Trusted Sites zone to "Medium."
- You may also need to approve or whitelist emails sent by our mail server (
so that your email server software doesn't view them as spam.
- If you're still not receiving the email with your password, please let us know
at info@steelspider.com.